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Check out the latest news and updates from Bend Studio!

Inside Bend: Screen Space Shadows

08.09.23 Kevin McAllister

Graham Aldridge, R&D Lead at Bend Studio, has been with Sony for 15 years. Graham was the Rendering Lead on Days Gone and contributed to most of the rendering, lighting, and optimization of Bend Studio's biggest game to date. Screen space shadows...



05.18.23 Kevin McAllister

Here at Bend Studio, we strive to create experiences that leave a lasting impact on our players. As our studio evolves and grows, we continue to adapt and take our 30 years of development experience with us to each new project. We aim to challenge...


History of Bend Studio

02.08.23 Kevin McAllister

With 30 years of experience in game development, Bend Studio has had a rich legacy in video games. From the iconic Syphon Filter series to Resistance: Retribution, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Days Gone, we strive to provide our players with...


UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss 10-Year Anniversary

02.22.22 Kevin McAllister

On this day 10 years ago, UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss launched in North America. Somehow, those years are now gone, but as we sat down to talk about this beloved title, we started to reminisce about that UNCHARTED adventure you could take on the go with...